Bobo Choses: For President

Bobo Choses: For President

Bobo Choses is our first Spring/Summer collection of the year and WOW! What a way to start... For President is everything we love about Bobo - soft naturals meet beautiful bolds and quirky, colourful prints abound.

Ear-to-ear smiles, friendly pet lions, funny pepper presidential candidates, big tomatoes and smiley-fingered hands  - this collection is SO much fun and one the kids are guaranteed to enjoy wearing.

Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers

Some of my most treasured memories of Christmas are waking up (at some ungodly hour) to find a filled stocking at the end of my bed.......before being promptly returned back to bed because it was little after 3am! After one unsuccessful very creaky floorboard attempt here several years ago, stockings are now hung on the fireplace where sensitive little ears are far less likely to catch me out and getting up time might squeak post 6am if we're lucky!
Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas

In our house the countdown to counting down Christmas (!) started this week with little fingers eager to get into the new advent calendars they can see on the side. I'm almost as excited as they are because, in spite of all the early Christmas preparations we make at the shop, December the 1st is when it all starts feeling official - when that first door its prised open the magic starts to flow and they know its just a few more days before the decorations and tree go up at home too.