Fairtrade Felt Decorations

Fairtrade Felt Decorations

If you're one of our lovely local customers yon't won't have failed to notice our beautiful selection of festive Fairtrade felt decorations filling our Christmas windows and on display throughout the shop too.

With several hundred designs from hanging tree decorations and stockings to beautiful wreaths and garlands, there really is something for everyone, whether you're a staunch traditionalist or are on the lookout for something super quirky this Christmas.

Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers

Some of my most treasured memories of Christmas are waking up (at some ungodly hour) to find a filled stocking at the end of my bed.......before being promptly returned back to bed because it was little after 3am! After one unsuccessful very creaky floorboard attempt here several years ago, stockings are now hung on the fireplace where sensitive little ears are far less likely to catch me out and getting up time might squeak post 6am if we're lucky!
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

Christmas Trees....

Does yours go up in November or do you leave it until Christmas Eve?

Do you plump for an opulent artificial tree or spend hours walking through a forest of fresh trees desperately seeking THE ONE?

However and whenever you kickstart Christmas this year (for us its always the first weekend in December) we have the most gorgeous range of tree decorations for the festive season ahead with well over 100 hanging tree decorations in addition to fabulous garlands and wreaths.

Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers

As a child, the most exciting part of Christmas was to wake up (at about 3am naturally) and find a stocking filled with little gifts at the bottom of my...
We wish you a Meri Meri Christmas

We wish you a Meri Meri Christmas

We're just a week away from the start of December and the official countdown to Christmas! Just when we thought we couldn't love Meri Meri's award-winning collection of partyware and gifts...