Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers

Some of my most treasured memories of Christmas are waking up (at some ungodly hour) to find a filled stocking at the end of my bed.......before being promptly returned back to bed because it was little after 3am! After one unsuccessful very creaky floorboard attempt here several years ago, stockings are now hung on the fireplace where sensitive little ears are far less likely to catch me out and getting up time might squeak post 6am if we're lucky!
Tender Leaf - Wonderful Wooden Toys

Tender Leaf - Wonderful Wooden Toys

We are thrilled to welcome Tender Leaf toys to Junior Edition. We fell in love with their product at Top Drawer back in January, the fish and chip play set just jumped out at us (must be those Brighton seaside roots!) and before we knew it we had a collection of over 70 beautifully designed wooden toys.
Fun and Games with Djeco

Fun and Games with Djeco

Djeco have the most beautiful collection of wooden and educational toys as well as producing really engaging puzzles and absorbing arts and crafts projects.